5 Best Soft skills to get hired for a job

5 min readSep 30, 2021


There are a few skills that employers look for in job candidates no matter what the open position is, and having these skills can make you more marketable to recruiters. These skills include communication, problem solving and teamwork. In this article, we discuss the top 5 skills employers look for in applicants as well as how you can highlight these skills and tips for making yourself more attractive to hiring managers.

1.Communication skills:-

Communication skills are needed in virtually any job. Employers desire team members who can successfully interpret what is being asked of them as well as effectively communicate with others. Common communication skills to include on your resume include writing, speaking, listening and negotiating.
The effective exchange of information is essential in business. Good communication is two-way; job hunters need to show they can listen as well as speak out.
You need to be able to express yourself concisely to impress graduate recruiters, but you also need to be a good listener and good at asking questions. Communication is really more of a package than an individual skill:
➡️ Communication is not just what you say; it is also how you present yourself.
➡️ Being able to phrase the right questions is an important skill.
➡️ Not saying too much is also part of good communication.
➡️ Understanding your audience and tailoring what you say is essential to graduate job hunters 'success.

2.Teamwork skills:-

Teamwork skills are an important asset to any employee who is part of an organization or who works with other individuals in their daily operations. Regardless of your job title or industry, many employers consider teamwork skills a must when reviewing applicants for an open position. Examples of teamwork skills to highlight include collaboration, honesty, communication and responsibility.
You’ll need to prove that you’re a team player but also have the ability to manage and delegate to others and take on responsibility. It’s about building positive working relationships that help everyone to achieve goals and business objectives.
Teamwork is all about being able to operate smoothly and efficiently within a group. Doing this draws on a number of abilities:
➡️ The ability to encourage and inspire other team members to perform better.
➡️ The ability to compromise and ignore your own ego.
➡️ The emotional intelligence to better understand team members’ behaviour, actions
➡️ Communication and other interpersonal skills such as negotiation, influencing, advising and interpreting.

3. Problem solving skills:-

problem-solving skills refer to the ability to manage challenging situations at work productively and positively. this is especially important for employees who work in a large organization or as part of a team, but they are often considered essential skills for nearly all occupations. common problem-solving skills to include on your resume are communication, decision making and research skills.
you need to display an ability to take a logical and analytical approach to solving problems and resolving issues. it’s also good to show that you can approach problems from different angles.
problem-solving abilities are essential in virtually any role you can think of. discover how to develop your problem-solving skills and demonstrate them to eagle-eyed recruiters.
problem solving is all about using logic, as well as imagination, to make sense of a situation and come up with an intelligent solution. in fact, the best problem solvers actively anticipate potential future problems and act to prevent them or to mitigate their effects.
problem-solving abilities are connected to a number of other skills, including:
➡️ analytical skills
➡️ innovative and creative thinking
➡️ a lateral mindset
➡️ adaptability and flexibility
➡️ level-headedness
➡️ initiative

4.Leadership skills:-

leadership skills are one of the soft skills that many employers look for in candidates and that can be helpful at all levels of your career. from managing a team to contributing to a project in a leadership role, leadership skills help you motivate others and ensure tasks are completed promptly. common leadership skills to put on your resume include active listening, dependability, the ability to give and receive feedback and patience.
leaders set vision; managers get things done; the best graduate hires can do both. find out how to develop your leadership potential.
when employers talk about leadership potential in relation to graduates, they are referring to how a variety of skills and qualities come together to ensure that an objective is achieved: whether that objective is the accomplishment of a task or the creation of a cohesive team.
these skills and qualities include:
➡️ ambition (for yourself, for your team and for your employer)
➡️ decisiveness and being comfortable with •managing ambiguity
➡️ problem solving
➡️ delegation, organisation and time •management – both for yourself and others
➡️ adaptability and flexibility
➡️ influencing skills (the ability to inspire confidence in others and to get their buy in is essential)

5.Organizational skills:-

Organizational skills are essential to an employee’s productivity, time-management and goal achievement. They are beneficial in any professional position and are highly sought after by employers. Organizational skills that are especially important include planning, critical thinking, attention to detail and conflict management.
This is about showing that you can prioritise, work efficiently and productively, and manage your time well. It’s also good to be able to show employers how you decide what is important to focus on and get done, and how you go about meeting deadlines.
➡️ Knowing when and where to direct your efforts will help you succeed in your first job.
➡️ Time management may also be referred to on job descriptions as organisational skills,
planning skills and prioritisation.
➡️ It is a core skill for all employees, but it is one that many graduates, new to the workplace,
find challenging.
➡️ They are faced with competing, equally pressing priorities and they often can’t progress their
own tasks until others have done theirs.
➡️ They also tell us that they need to juggle several different projects simultaneously and
accommodate additional work that crops up unexpectedly.

Conclusion :

The ultimate goal of going to college is not just to get the degree, but to land a career as well. Obviously, employers want to make sure you are qualified for the job by having the appropriate degree, but they also need to know if you have the skill set too.




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